Monday, February 28, 2011
Anoice - Liange
My friend featured this on his blog the other day. It has been a long time since I listened to Anoice. Not only is this song so beautiful, it also reminds me of some fond memories of Los Angeles.
[] [Myspace] [Website]
(Albums available for purchase on iTunes and their website.)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Harcsa Veronika - Play Me Play Me
Genre: Jazz,
Soundtrack To The Day
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Ernest Ellis - Heading For The Cold
[] [Facebook] [Myspace] [Website]
(Albums available on Australia iTunes. I'm not quite sure how to obtain it outside of Australia, though.)
Monday, February 21, 2011
Youth Pictures Of Florence Henderson - we may be remembered by what we did when we sat down
I received an invite from Anders to attend the Clarksville, TN show. I regretfully cannot attend. However, those of you living nearby I'd highly suggest going. They'll also be at SXSW as well.
March 14th - The Coup, Clarksville, Tennessee
[] [Bandcamp] [Facebook] [Myspace] [Website]
(Albums available for free download on and purchasable [name your price] on BandCamp.)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Concerts: Steve Aoki at Tabernacle in Atlanta, Georgia (2/19)
I just came back from the electronic show featuring Street Lurkin, Rrrump, Le Castle Vania, and Steve Aoki. My friend and I decided on a whim to go to a concert. So we searched to see if anything was playing and stumbled across Steve Aoki.
I listen to electronic music occasionally, but mainly toward the trip-hop variety. I do have favourites that, to me, stand out. But to be strictly honest, the music played at the show wasn't quite what I'd listen to on a daily basis. But what made this show so fun was the energy of the crowd. It was pretty wild. And the group that we randomly met in line and hung out with the entire show were pretty damn cool.
I did get to experience a first... crowd surfing! And I did it while recording video, and without breaking my camera or losing my hat. Hah hah.
All in all, it was very fun... long (6.5 hours), but fun.
Now I rest. I'm too tired to make a new Soundtrack To The Day right now...

Concert photos
I listen to electronic music occasionally, but mainly toward the trip-hop variety. I do have favourites that, to me, stand out. But to be strictly honest, the music played at the show wasn't quite what I'd listen to on a daily basis. But what made this show so fun was the energy of the crowd. It was pretty wild. And the group that we randomly met in line and hung out with the entire show were pretty damn cool.
I did get to experience a first... crowd surfing! And I did it while recording video, and without breaking my camera or losing my hat. Hah hah.
All in all, it was very fun... long (6.5 hours), but fun.
Now I rest. I'm too tired to make a new Soundtrack To The Day right now...

Concert photos
Saturday, February 19, 2011
New Album Release: Последние Каникулы - Семь ветров
Wow, two album releases today! This one comes from the Russian one-man project. Each album he has created have been considerably different from the next. This one is no exception. The album incorporates the combination of delicacy and intensity, mixtures of calm ambience and nature, and a gradual swelling of raw noise.

Download here.
[] [Bandcamp] [Myspace]

Download here.
[] [Bandcamp] [Myspace]
New Album Releases
New Album Release: Our Ceasing Voice - When The Headline Hit Home
Our Ceasing Voice has just released their third album (first LP). The evolution of their sound from their first album has been drastic. They started sounding very raw and now with their latest album they've refined a lot and have created some very emotional, intense music. The very first song I had to hold back my tears, it was just that powerful.

Download/Donate here.
For those that would like to purchase hard copies of this album, purchase from Revolvermann Records.
OCV had an 8 day countdown and 8 stories of the album posted on their Facebook.
Passenger Killed in Hit and Run
The full moon sends out single rays of light and they pierce the dense fog, guiding my eyes towards the burning wreckage. Inside of it, my best friend is lying dead. The windshield is broken, small fragments are mired in his face and neck. He only had to endure the pain shortly, everything happened so fast, the racing pulse stopped abruptly.
Even though the black smoke has disappeared, the putrid smell of gas and burned rubber remains while I try not to puke. I'm freezing. Misery has caught me. Nearby a bird starts to sing sorrowlessly, but it can not convey any comfort. Fifty meters away the guiding rail was bent out of shape, when golden sparks flared up and the car slithered along the metal, until it overturned several times. The face wreathing in pain appears in front of me, the piercing scream echoes in my ears. Now the auto is standing on it's wheels again, the roof is dented, the engine hood compressed to the steering wheel. The bumper is only held by a mere bolts. Bent metal, a blazing inner. And my best friend is lying in there dead. I'm to blame. Hopelessly trapped only the seat belt keeps the lifeless body upright.
Without Even Breathing
When it's raining, water gathers in the curbstones until it trickles down the drains along the street and purifies the soul of the city drop by drop. All it's hate and atrocity are conveyed into the intricate sewer-system to thereabouts find their eternal banishment. On days like these however, when the heat lasting for weeks lets man's cruelty linger on and remorseless sun beams burn bloody memorials of humiliation onto the pavements, not even the cooling shadow of the night can offer resistance. Not far from here, a man was stabbed to death ruthlessly. On my way to the factory I could still see the white and red barrier tape, separating pedestrians from the bloodstains sticking to the asphalt. The neighboring wall is laced with endless posters, whose events have passed weeks ago. Black on shiny yellow they continue to send their message of hope, to distract people from their everyday lives and to forget their dull loneliness. But for years pedestrians no longer pay attention to them, the traffic lights flash green and the stream goes on across the time-worn crosswalk, which I passed a few hours ago as well.
Highway Lights
Total silence surrounds me. The cars on the ground stand still, the stoplights of the convoy are reflected in the calm water of the river and dip bypassing flotsam in spooky red. Screams of horror suffocate on their way to heaven. Some people avert their eyes in shock, before they mourningly embrace the ones next to them. Others stop in the middle of the street, drop their fully packed shopping bags, trying to comprehend what happens in front of them. They're asking questions, without the chance for an answer.
The Only Ones Dead (Are Those Who Are Forgotten)
I open my eyes faint-heartedly and watch my clenched fists open up, just to devote to nothingness in the moment of the fall. Seconds pass as if they are hours. Seconds, progressing slowly, to deplore my being and condemn my past. Gone are the days with their nostalgic feel. And with nostalgia, my t-shirt, which was navy blue at that time, seems to have faded as well. Now it is flagging in the air. The tears I'm shedding are dried by the draft, one last falls towards the approaching ground like a lonely raindrop. The blink of an eye and the darkness of the night gave way to a lurid, blinding light.
Hopes of Yore
Not a single car has passed for over half an hour. In the middle of nowhere, forty kilometers from the city, the fog eerily hovers around my feet and veils the burning car a few steps away. Branches, whose leaves are to bloom only in the coming weeks, are rustling in the wind. I can hear sorrow's quiet whispers. He aspirates in my ear, ensuring that he'll be in my eyes forever, that I'll never be able to get rid of him. The world falls apart in the ditch, like my father used to warn me ten years ago, when I had obtained my driver's license. Back then, I was a careful driver, stopping at the traffic lights when they flashed green already, giving right of way to everybody, never speeding. To this day, I believed not so see my father's reproachful I-told-you-so-face ever again.
I let my self sink into the moist grass and feel the warmth leave my body. Face to the frightening lake of darkness at the end of the turn, the stars ceased to sparkle. The effect of the alcohol has stopped due to the shock and my headache is boosted beyond all bearing. I'm dizzy from the impact of the airbag, several abrasions and cuts on my arms and in my face burn like hell. Then, I try to get up and start walking towards the darkness.
Summer's Orange Haze
Gradually the lights of the city come to new life, while I follow the random flickering of the large neon sign three blocks away until I lose my gaze in the distance. The sun slowly descends behind the silhouettes of the skyscrapers, taken over by the approaching night. The orange haze on the horizon is reflected in the windshields of the passing cars, raising the dust, which has been accumulated on the street. In front of the station, a few steps further, moped riders thrust themselves into every small gap between the cabs, whose drivers hope for further passengers while smoking and chatting. The passengers, however, hurry down into the subway, passing graffiti stained walls, entering jam-packed wagons, where unknown faces are sitting in tense silence from one station to the next.
Polaroids and Chinese Whispers
We arrived at the birthday party a little late, as we were looking for the right gift for my best friend's sister, before we finally started our one-hour drive. Laughingly numerous guests welcomed us, their spirits were running high because of several drinks already. I have not been in such a good mood in a long time, the friendly atmosphere made me forget the past weeks' sorrow. Just like at weddings, single use cameras were lying on the tables, provided to catch the individual memories of this night, to hinder their transience, to brave oblivion. Some anecdotes have gone through this process already, changed their details: a new name here, a different place there. The Chinese whispers of remembrance
Within the Nick of Time
I heard the wind crooning gently
my ballad to forget:
close your eyes
cross your arms with mine
for the stars to weep
and your light to shine
Forgiveness is the strength of the world.
Repression is the weakness of the soul.
Making of video:
[] [Bandcamp] [Facebook] [Myspace]

Download/Donate here.
For those that would like to purchase hard copies of this album, purchase from Revolvermann Records.
OCV had an 8 day countdown and 8 stories of the album posted on their Facebook.
Passenger Killed in Hit and Run
The full moon sends out single rays of light and they pierce the dense fog, guiding my eyes towards the burning wreckage. Inside of it, my best friend is lying dead. The windshield is broken, small fragments are mired in his face and neck. He only had to endure the pain shortly, everything happened so fast, the racing pulse stopped abruptly.
Even though the black smoke has disappeared, the putrid smell of gas and burned rubber remains while I try not to puke. I'm freezing. Misery has caught me. Nearby a bird starts to sing sorrowlessly, but it can not convey any comfort. Fifty meters away the guiding rail was bent out of shape, when golden sparks flared up and the car slithered along the metal, until it overturned several times. The face wreathing in pain appears in front of me, the piercing scream echoes in my ears. Now the auto is standing on it's wheels again, the roof is dented, the engine hood compressed to the steering wheel. The bumper is only held by a mere bolts. Bent metal, a blazing inner. And my best friend is lying in there dead. I'm to blame. Hopelessly trapped only the seat belt keeps the lifeless body upright.
Without Even Breathing
When it's raining, water gathers in the curbstones until it trickles down the drains along the street and purifies the soul of the city drop by drop. All it's hate and atrocity are conveyed into the intricate sewer-system to thereabouts find their eternal banishment. On days like these however, when the heat lasting for weeks lets man's cruelty linger on and remorseless sun beams burn bloody memorials of humiliation onto the pavements, not even the cooling shadow of the night can offer resistance. Not far from here, a man was stabbed to death ruthlessly. On my way to the factory I could still see the white and red barrier tape, separating pedestrians from the bloodstains sticking to the asphalt. The neighboring wall is laced with endless posters, whose events have passed weeks ago. Black on shiny yellow they continue to send their message of hope, to distract people from their everyday lives and to forget their dull loneliness. But for years pedestrians no longer pay attention to them, the traffic lights flash green and the stream goes on across the time-worn crosswalk, which I passed a few hours ago as well.
Highway Lights
Total silence surrounds me. The cars on the ground stand still, the stoplights of the convoy are reflected in the calm water of the river and dip bypassing flotsam in spooky red. Screams of horror suffocate on their way to heaven. Some people avert their eyes in shock, before they mourningly embrace the ones next to them. Others stop in the middle of the street, drop their fully packed shopping bags, trying to comprehend what happens in front of them. They're asking questions, without the chance for an answer.
The Only Ones Dead (Are Those Who Are Forgotten)
I open my eyes faint-heartedly and watch my clenched fists open up, just to devote to nothingness in the moment of the fall. Seconds pass as if they are hours. Seconds, progressing slowly, to deplore my being and condemn my past. Gone are the days with their nostalgic feel. And with nostalgia, my t-shirt, which was navy blue at that time, seems to have faded as well. Now it is flagging in the air. The tears I'm shedding are dried by the draft, one last falls towards the approaching ground like a lonely raindrop. The blink of an eye and the darkness of the night gave way to a lurid, blinding light.
Hopes of Yore
Not a single car has passed for over half an hour. In the middle of nowhere, forty kilometers from the city, the fog eerily hovers around my feet and veils the burning car a few steps away. Branches, whose leaves are to bloom only in the coming weeks, are rustling in the wind. I can hear sorrow's quiet whispers. He aspirates in my ear, ensuring that he'll be in my eyes forever, that I'll never be able to get rid of him. The world falls apart in the ditch, like my father used to warn me ten years ago, when I had obtained my driver's license. Back then, I was a careful driver, stopping at the traffic lights when they flashed green already, giving right of way to everybody, never speeding. To this day, I believed not so see my father's reproachful I-told-you-so-face ever again.
I let my self sink into the moist grass and feel the warmth leave my body. Face to the frightening lake of darkness at the end of the turn, the stars ceased to sparkle. The effect of the alcohol has stopped due to the shock and my headache is boosted beyond all bearing. I'm dizzy from the impact of the airbag, several abrasions and cuts on my arms and in my face burn like hell. Then, I try to get up and start walking towards the darkness.
Summer's Orange Haze
Gradually the lights of the city come to new life, while I follow the random flickering of the large neon sign three blocks away until I lose my gaze in the distance. The sun slowly descends behind the silhouettes of the skyscrapers, taken over by the approaching night. The orange haze on the horizon is reflected in the windshields of the passing cars, raising the dust, which has been accumulated on the street. In front of the station, a few steps further, moped riders thrust themselves into every small gap between the cabs, whose drivers hope for further passengers while smoking and chatting. The passengers, however, hurry down into the subway, passing graffiti stained walls, entering jam-packed wagons, where unknown faces are sitting in tense silence from one station to the next.
Polaroids and Chinese Whispers
We arrived at the birthday party a little late, as we were looking for the right gift for my best friend's sister, before we finally started our one-hour drive. Laughingly numerous guests welcomed us, their spirits were running high because of several drinks already. I have not been in such a good mood in a long time, the friendly atmosphere made me forget the past weeks' sorrow. Just like at weddings, single use cameras were lying on the tables, provided to catch the individual memories of this night, to hinder their transience, to brave oblivion. Some anecdotes have gone through this process already, changed their details: a new name here, a different place there. The Chinese whispers of remembrance
Within the Nick of Time
I heard the wind crooning gently
my ballad to forget:
close your eyes
cross your arms with mine
for the stars to weep
and your light to shine
Forgiveness is the strength of the world.
Repression is the weakness of the soul.
Making of video:
[] [Bandcamp] [Facebook] [Myspace]
New Album Releases
Creech Holler - Raymond Lee
My apologies for my absence the past few days. Lately I have been religiously watching the television series "Fringe." The series is so good that I've been fairly fanatic about it to the point of being hopelessly geeky over the show.
The last few days I've been so focused on catching up to the aired episodes that I haven't been listening to much music apart from what is on my iPod.
Now that I'm caught up with Fringe, I am back! And today I bring an East Tennessee artist my good friend, Ben (same guy that introduced me to Caspian), had been suggesting me for quite some time.
[] [Bandcamp] [Facebook] [Myspace] [Website]
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
These Portraits Never Spoke - His Feet Were Made To Tremble... So He Grew Wings
It is Valentine's Day. While others may be commemorating this day to the love of their partners, I commemorate this day to my love for music and the new methods of finding music that would have been impossible a few years ago. (That came out sounding cheesier than it sounded in my head.)
This find was one of the uncommon ways. I found out about These Portraits Never Spoke initially from a visit to my blog originating from Austria that led to my page. (Yeah, I incessantly check my blog stats.) So, I hop on my profile and see which one of my most recent visitors is Austrian. I come across this 19 year old Greek (currently residing and studying in Austria) that had a few links to his music project. My curiosity still unappeased, I searched for some way to listen to his music and come across download links on myspace. Needless to say, I was "wow'ed."
It seems like I'm constantly being blown away by these solo projects such as the Hungarian félperc the Russian Последние Каникулы and the Greek (and coincidentally a friend of this artist) Colour For A Rebel. These Portraits Never Spoke is no exception. What amazes me even more is that such music comes from someone so young.
[] [ User] [Myspace] [YouTube]
(Album available for free download via mediafire link on his or myspace page.)
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Randomform - Redapt
[] [Bandcamp] [Facebook] [Myspace] [Website]
(Albums available for free download on
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Omyiga - Filling The Void
[] [Soundcloud] [Myspace] []
(Album available for free download on or
Friday, February 11, 2011
Siberian Islands - On(Off)
[] [Bandcamp] [Facebook] [Myspace]
(Album available for free download via mediafire link on their page or donate four dollars on their bandcamp page.)
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Ball Park Music - IFLY
Genre: Pop,
Soundtrack To The Day
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Non Dolet - Inner
I discovered this on my friend's blog, The Quiet Ambient, and wanted to feature it here as well.
I'm not sure how to get a hold of her music. There are a few songs available on, though
[] [Myspace]
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Ramblings: Music lineup so far
Ooooh man, if things go well and as planned it looks like 2011 may easily top 2010 for EPIC musical experiences.
2/12 - Goldie - Atlanta, Georgia
2/12 - Celtic Woman - Macon, Georgia
2/26 - Eluveitie - Atlanta, Gerogia
3/11 - Caspian - Athens, Georgia
3/22 - Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Athens, Georgia
3/24 - Röyksopp - Atlanta, Georgia
4/23 - Protest The Hero - Atlanta, Georgia
5/10 - Samuel Jackson Five/marionette ID/Rosa Parks - Budapest, Hungary
5/12 - Harcsa Veronika - Budapest, Hungary
5/16 - Arms And Sleepers - Budapest, Hungary
5/17 - Arms And Sleepers - Ljubljana, Slovenia
5/21 - Jeniferever - Ljubljana, Slovenia
5/23 - Animal Collective - Vienna, Austria
And I'm also hoping to see Skizotype (HU), Képzelt Város (HU), and Our Ceasing Voice (AT) if and when they have shows in May.
The only thing I really don't look forward to is uploading all those May concert videos to YouTube when I come back home. That is going to take a while.
Of course, this is all subject to change. I originally had plans to see God Is An Astronaut in Hungary and Slovenia as well as a number of other bands, but I'm finding out that that trip will have to be pushed to May.
2/12 - Goldie - Atlanta, Georgia
2/12 - Celtic Woman - Macon, Georgia
2/26 - Eluveitie - Atlanta, Gerogia
3/11 - Caspian - Athens, Georgia
3/22 - Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Athens, Georgia
3/24 - Röyksopp - Atlanta, Georgia
4/23 - Protest The Hero - Atlanta, Georgia
5/10 - Samuel Jackson Five/marionette ID/Rosa Parks - Budapest, Hungary
5/12 - Harcsa Veronika - Budapest, Hungary
5/16 - Arms And Sleepers - Budapest, Hungary
5/17 - Arms And Sleepers - Ljubljana, Slovenia
5/21 - Jeniferever - Ljubljana, Slovenia
5/23 - Animal Collective - Vienna, Austria
And I'm also hoping to see Skizotype (HU), Képzelt Város (HU), and Our Ceasing Voice (AT) if and when they have shows in May.
The only thing I really don't look forward to is uploading all those May concert videos to YouTube when I come back home. That is going to take a while.
Of course, this is all subject to change. I originally had plans to see God Is An Astronaut in Hungary and Slovenia as well as a number of other bands, but I'm finding out that that trip will have to be pushed to May.
Occasional Ramblings
MØN - Lukrym
[] [Facebook] [Myspace] [Website]
[Albums available for purchase on their Website and iTunes.]
Monday, February 07, 2011
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Saturday, February 05, 2011
Friday, February 04, 2011
Butterfly Explosion - Closer
Someone decided to put some Butterfly Explosion over some other Misfits fan video, it turned out pretty well.
I like Butterfly Explosion, and I love Misfits, so of course I had to feature this song.
[] [Bandcamp] [Facebook] [Myspace] [Website]
(Download Closer for free and purchase the rest of their album on Bandcamp.)
Thursday, February 03, 2011
Colour For A Rebel - Sea Breeze
[] [Bandcamp] [Facebook] [Myspace]
(Albums are free for download on and purchasable on Bandcamp.)
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
My Angel Sleeps On The Other Rail - Somewhere Between My Dreams
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