As a little background, one of my good friends nicknamed my second 4000 mile long road trip "Bobapalooza." Since then I've named each trip this.
This year's Bobapalooza has been a more musically oriented trip. It started at the beginning of this month (hence my lack of constant update lately). I started in Macon, Georgia, where I was working at the time, then travelled to Orlando, Florida to visit a friend; Athens, Georgia for Caspian; Knoxville, Tennessee to visit another friend; Clarksville, Tennessee for Youth Pictures Of Florence Henderson; Kent, Ohio to visit a long-time friend; back to Athens (with a quick stop in Knoxville) for Godspeed You! Black Emperor; and now I'm in Atlanta for the Röyksopp show tonight. I'll be heading back home (Oklahoma) either tonight or tomorrow morning.
Part two of this tour is going to commence next Tuesday (3/29) as I step on the plane to Hungary. I'll be visiting Hungary, Slovenia, and Austria and going to a bunch of concerts.
02 April - Budapest, Hungary - tapeunderground
08 April - Ljubljana, Slovenia - God Is An Astronaut
09 April - Budapest, Hungary - 30Y and Isten Háta Mögött
10 April - Budapest, Hungary - God Is An Astronaut and marionette ID
13 April - Zalaegerszeg, Hungary - Harcsa Veronika Quartet*
16 April - Budapest, Hungary - Realistic Crew
17 April - Budapest, Hungary - Our Ceasing Voice and Képzelt Város
20 April - Vienna, Austria - Our Ceasing Voice
26 April - Vienna, Austria - Tides From Nebula
*I really want to see Harcsa Veronika, but Zalaegerszeg is really far away from Budapest.
I may not be able to do a Soundtrack To The Day as frequently, but there will be many concert updates... and even more videos to upload. Bleh. I already have 12 to upload, 4 more after the Röyksopp show tonight.
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